Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  11:28 am
Commenter: Rev. Patricia Shipley

All workers deserve safe working conditions

I am writing to urge the passage of these excellent regulations to protect the workers of the Commonwealth.  The COVID-19 crisis has shown that “essential workers” are at greater risk for both contracting and spreading the virus.  Many employers have taken steps to protect their workers and the public but some have been slow to comply or resistant to suggested safety measures putting both their workers and the general public risk.  These sensible and comprehensive regulations would go a long way toward both protecting workers and reducing the spread of the virus.  Whether or not to take common sense precautions to protect public health should not be an individual’s or employer’s personal choice but a duty based on the health and safety needs of the entire community.

CommentID: 80746