Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  10:17 am
Commenter: Chuck R

vote against

Dear labor board members, 

While I write in a time of pandemic, it is not a temporary need to protect the Virginia workforce. We have the chance to be a national model for supporting our front line workers.  Unless they are in food service or production or in the medical field please DO NOT require facemask.  Please vote against  of the Emergency Temporary Standard/Emergency Regulation 16 VAC 25-220 by the Safety and Health Codes Board.  

Our  latino population is only 9% of our population but the children would like to live normal lives and develop normal social and communication skills.   They want to run and play with others.  

I thought they had to wear masks in poultry factories already.  They always show them with them on TV .  Do not make some kind of blanket regulation to harm everyone.  

CommentID: 80713