Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  9:27 am
Commenter: David Dodgson

End Mask Mandate

Unconstitutional, increases health risk for breathing in unhealthy air, can cause suffocation; serious injury and or death, does not prevent the spread of COVID-19, Unfunded mandate. Too many unknown long term efforts to the damage it may cause later to lungs of heathy people.  Creates false sense of security. Sanitation issues.  Low oxygen can create increase risk for cancer patience. Side note allows criminals to hide their identity and increases criminal activity as we’ve seen through riots. 


Fact this virus is a relatively benign infection for the vast majority of the population and that most of the at-risk group also survive from an infectious disease, by letting the virus spread through the healthier population we will reach a herd immunity level quickly that will end this pandemic. During this time, we need to protect the at-risk population by avoiding close contact, boosting their immunity with compounds that boost cellular immunity and in general, care for them.

One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest that is the wise choice to make. 

it should be a choice.  As adults we can make decisions that best fits our health needs. 




CommentID: 80695