Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  8:34 am
Commenter: Marie Black

End the State of Emergency

How long will VA continue to be in a State of Emergency? According the the data from the Virginia Department of Health, we are essentially done with Covid-19 in VA, so what evidence is being used to support a continued State of Emergency? What will it take for our Governor to end it? Our children need to return to normalcy by going back to school 5 days a week and participating in sports, including contact sports. I voted for our Governor and every democrat in my district, but am extremely disappointed in the way you all have handled this situation. Unless you all acknowledge the need to end this State of Emergency and specify a date to do so, based on the data, then I will no longer be able to support you at the polls. Your decisions, at this point, are destroying lives, not saving them.

CommentID: 80675