Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  7:13 am
Commenter: Cindy M

Emergency Temporary Standard/Emergency Regulation 16 VAC 25-220 by the Safety and Health Codes Board

It is urgent that workers be protected by not passing the Emergency Temporary Standard/Emergency Regulation 16 VAC 25-220 by the Safety and Health Codes Board.  Please vote against  this harmful regulation.

Workers in my community need protection that is enforceable and protect their own health and that of the public.  Please let these people breathe so they don't get lower immune system by low oxygen and high CO2 levels masks create.  The COVID pandemic makes this even more pressing people  need strong immune systems.   Rebreathing their own air causes hypoxia and hypercapnia.  You really should considered for the future of community health. 

Please vote to stop the standards on June 24, 2020, without hesitation, to prevent further damage to the health of workers and the public.  Masks are harmful.   

CommentID: 80654