Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  10:53 pm
Commenter: Janice Poole


I object to any plan to wear masks for up to six months. I feel they do no good and more importantly are a violation of our Constitutional rights as citizens of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia. No other disease has ever needed this much control over our lives. This is a control method by Democrats such as Our governor to control voters and keep citizens in turmoil until November. Northam is only worried abort his keepers and his past racist actions,ie. Coonman and blackface. He does not wear a mask when in public. Gather in larger crowds than allowed at the time on the beach, but wants us to do as he says, not as he does. No more masks, open up Virginia. 

CommentID: 80618