Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Auditor of Public Accounts
This agency has guidance documents but no regulatory boards
Guidance Document Change: The Auditor of Public Accounts is proposing the addition of new required audit procedures at Chapter 3 of the Specifications for Audits of Counties, Cities, and Towns for the Fiscal Year 2020 publication. The proposed guidance and audit procedures will be incorporated as a new Section 3-17. These proposed audit procedures are intended to assist in determining compliance with state laws and policies specific to the Virginia Department of Fire Programs’ grants and aid assistance provided to localities. The Specifications set standards for audits of local governments in Virginia, and are required for the annual audits of all cities and counties, and towns over a 3,500 population threshold or operating a separate school division. Chapter 3 of the Specifications includes required audit procedures for determining compliance with certain state laws, regulations, and policies. State agencies need assurance about the proper utilization of assets provided to local governments and that localities have complied with applicable laws and regulations.
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2/14/20  11:55 am
Commenter: Corbin Stone, Robinson, Farmer Cox Associates

Fire Program Funds

An analysis of disbursements posted to the Cardinal System indicates that there were 316 payments made under the program during the 18/19 fiscal year for a total of $28.5 million dollars.  The 15 largest localities (also 15 largest payments) received 15 million (Fairfax County received $3.6 million).  There were 144 payments of $10,000, which appears to be the smallest grant award received by any locality.  Generally, auditing this program in larger localities seems appropriate, but the additional cost to audit the program in smaller localities is probably not terribly cost effective.  I am wondering if a threshold should be established similar to the federal single audit thresholds.  Perhaps require audits of this program if a locality received over $300k.  This would cover about 16.5 million of program disbursements.  Over $100k would cover approx 21.5 million.  Thanks.

CommentID: 79078