RE: Rules and Regulations on Accident Prevention Courses for Older Drivers (24 VAC 20 40)
For 10+ years, I have been an AARP Driver Safety Program (DSP) Driver Safety or Smart Driver™ Course. I see the overriding acceptance and appreciation expressed by the older driver participants in the classes I present. Not surprisingly, two teenagers accompanied their Mothers and sat the class with everyone else.
With a reservation, I support the 8-hr version of the Smart Driver™ Course for older Virginia drivers. My reservation is that the 8-hr version be required only once; the first time the older driver sits the current version of the DSP Course. Every three years is the current course attendance requirement to keep the automobile insurance discount continuous; without a break in the discount. At the 3-yr anniversary, the older driver knows it is time to renew the insurance discount by sitting the current AARP DSP Course. As the course content is NOT radically update frequently, the older driver will very likely be sitting the same course he/she sat 3 years ago. The biggest difference between the two sitting with be the instructor and the other participants in the class. The current Version 8, Smart Driver™, was rolled out January 2014. I believe previous DSP Course version had a run of some 10 years or so; that was before I joined the AARP DSP.
Therefore, it for this reason that I support a shorter current version repeat of the AARP DSP Course for older drivers who, 3 years ago, had sat the identical course. My considered opinion for that a reduced course length of 4 hours for an identical course he/she has already attended is justified. The shorter course length may have no discernable impact on the older driver with regard to his/her understanding of the Virginia driving rules of the road. He/she will exhibit good driving practices for his/her safety and the safety of other roadway users and pedestrians. (I can support a reduced course length of 6 hours, also. However, not as fervently. Point being a given older driver may attend two or more reduced length Smart Driver™ Courses. Upon a new, revised version of the DSP Course would then reset the “clock.” An older Virginia driver would then attend an 8-hr class and then attend shorter length classes upon his/her 3-year anniversary.
I appreciate this opportunity to participate during the public open comment time for the cited reference.
David W. Young, Jr, AARP Smart Driver™ Course Instructor for 10+ years, Haymarket, VA 20169