Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Waivered Services [12 VAC 30 ‑ 120]
Action Three Waivers (ID, DD, DS) Redesign
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/5/2019
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4/2/19  9:42 pm
Commenter: Judith Weitzenfeld, Wall Residences LLC

DD Waiver Regulation

I agree with comments posted by Wall Residences but want to highlight that I support the Definition of Progress Note in Section 20. In addition, I support the following changes to Section 530 Sponsored Residential E.1.c.- Strike “confirming the amount of the individual’s time in service and”  [This has already been removed from Group Home Services and needs to be removed from Sponsored now that we have moved to a daily rate and not one based on hours of service.]

E.1.c.- End of second sentence strike “at least a daily note” add “in a progress note” [This makes documentation consistent]

Under 120 Provider Requirements in A.5.- Strike “medically necessary services and supplies” and add “services and supports” in A.6.- Strike “supplies” and add “supports” and in A.10.d- Strike “Such documentation shall be written on the date of service delivery.” [This is not in keeping with the definition of Progress Note]

Thanks for your consideration of this opinion.

CommentID: 70827