I would like to take this opportunity to support the Board of Housing and Community Developement's decision to adopt the 2015 Statewide Fire Prevention Code as initially approved. Additionally, I would like to thank and commend the staff of the Department and all of the stakeholders and code officials who invested their time and effort in developing this document.
This code is the result of an incredible effort in an open and transparent process. The code development meetings were attended by Fire Officials, Building Officials and affected stakeholders who gave a great deal of their time to reviewing and commenting on the proposed code changes. These meetings offered more than adequate opportunity to address any concerns that may have been presented, and continuing to delay the adoption of this code would be a disservice to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
I respectfully urge the Board to adopt the 2015 Statewide Fire Prevention Code as initially approved.
Julie Walton, Director of Community Development & Code Compliance
Prince George County, VA