Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Licensure Regulations for School Personnel [8 VAC 20 ‑ 22]
Action Comprehensive Revision of the Licensure Regulations for School Personnel
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/6/2015
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10/30/15  2:36 pm
Commenter: Mark Ginsberg, Ellen Rodgers; George Mason University

1. - Replace with the following in sentence” Understanding of the nature and characteristics of TRENDS AND ISSUES
1 (a) - Replace Trends with Pathways (consistent with Part C language).
1 (d) (added (e) - Take out Social development and add an “e”. Keep “awareness of surrounding cultural and linguistic diversity”
4 (d) - Add item  “e”: Response and recognition and tiered instruction
5 - Change the sentence to incorporate full and appropriate terminology: Understanding social and emotional development and guiding behaviors and the application …
6 - Change the sentence to incorporate full and appropriate terminology: “Understanding speech and language development and intervention methods, considering the following factors:”
6 (a) - Add to sentence: “Developmental stages of language acquisition and communication
6 (d) - Take out and add instead to sentence: Use of language to get needs and wants met and use of functional communication
7 (b) - Add to sentence: “Use and effects of medications and treatments 
8 ( C ) - Replace with: “Natural and Least Restrictive Environments”
9 ( a ) - Replace with: “Cultural and Linguistic Influences”
9 ( B) - Replace issues with:  Family Dynamics
10, 12, 13 - Group those under a new subheading named Professionalism
2 ( a ) - Add to sentence “understanding of the principles of blended learning and online instructional strategies….. Change to: “study in methods…, partnering with families regarding their social and instructional needs of children’s development, ways of increasing family engagement in student learning.
6 - Change “Reading” to “Language and Literacy”
6 ( a ) - Change “skills” to “knowledge” 
1 & 2 - General Support, but overall emphasis on preparing general educators to address the needs of diverse learners is minimal. #1 – Human Growth and Development – General support but clarification is needed as to why the focus on “developmental disabilities.” Some specificity is included in the regulations with omission of other relevant disabilities (e.g., twice exceptional).
#2 for Curriculum and Instruction – General support for Curriculum and Instruction professional studies competencies – however, clarification was requested for why the inclusion of “online learning.” Some faculty identified that given the abundance of content to address already for endorsement, why prioritize content that has limited, if any evidence, for supporting students with disabilities (i.e., online learning). Clarification as to what the state means by “effective communication” with and among students is also needed. 
4 & 5 - General support for the new ‘Assessment of and for Learning’ and for ‘The Teaching Profession’ professional studies competencies. Programs will need to insert content for the Virginia Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria.



CommentID: 42460