Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for Licensure of Abortion Facilities [12 VAC 5 ‑ 412]
Action Amend Regulations Following Periodic Review
Comment Period Ended on 2/11/2015
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2/10/15  6:43 pm
Commenter: Charlotte Graham-Clark

TRAP's a good name for a bad idea

Purely and simply, TRAP legislation was designed to stop all access to abortion. We all know that. Problem is that in addition to denying a Constitutionally-guaranteed right of every woman to a safe and medically competent abortion that she will live through, the closing of clinics that perform abortion as one of their services also denies poor women the only access to reproductive health care that many have. Clinics that perform abortion also perform important gynecological exams which can screen for cancer and sexually transmitted diseases that can destroy a woman's ability to ever have a baby. They also provide birth control, without which even more unwanted pregnancies occur. And sometimes abortion is necessary to terminate pregnancies that cannot produce a baby with any chance of life, or life without terrible suffering, or pregnancies that began in rape and incest. Closing clinics will not stop abortions. Women of means will continue to have them, and women without means will go back to dying from them. NO woman should be forced to carry to term a baby she is not heart and soul prepared to give the rest of her life to. And no woman should be forced to create such a baby in the first place. This legislation discriminates against all women, but especially against the poor and uneducated who need family planning services the most. Stop the Hate. Throw out the TRAP.

CommentID: 38830