This is not an easy subject to talk about because everything that went against protocol against evidence base practice happened to me. I had suffered so much over the years and especially after my adverse termination from state service. Emotional distress upon my family, friends and formal co-workers. An allege false (fraud) written notice of a group III sexual misconduct for relations with offenders that cost me my good moral integrity standards, relationships, monetary, retirement benefits, 10 year award, unemployment benefits, housing morgage assistance and possible foreclosure.
This had to be a hazard risk management enforcement of a stagetic plan for my life of personnel genocide. Where is the protection of my public health, safety and welfare? I was stressed out and notified my superiors according to policy, but I had to work mandatory overtime. My complaints of needed time off to recoup was denied. I had two mental breakdowns that could have been prevented.
Who can correct the wrong that was done to me? I am a victim of sexual misconduct and got involuntary terminated for sexual misconduct. A written notice of just "sexual misconduct" is not justified and against law. It has to fall within the category of fraterization, abuse, assault, rape, etc. Under law as a certified Correctional Officer and a citizen; I have a right to defend myself; Freedom of Expression as an use of force continuum was used of protection to de-escalate a situation of possible endangerment.
Evaluation theories of possible personality of unprofessional hypothesis of promiscuous defamation per se as a victim of sexual misconduct of relations of offenders marked me as a target of evidence base practice of consistency of investigation against protocol turned abuse. I truly believe that family planning played a big role in the choice of participants that is authorized by a witness under oath. The most probable cause of involuntary separation is wrong and not based upon policy, procedure and law. The more than likely to be true, but hasn't any proof is not grounds of wrongful termination from state service.
Security suppose to fall into a special category when it comes to the law and defense; but there wasn't any under due process