Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/5/24  10:25 am
Commenter: David Broder

Ensure Quality Home Care for All Virginians by Supporting LRIs Providing HCBS

My name is David Broder and I live in Fairfax County. My family has used home care services in the past, and I've been a lifelong advocate for Quality Home Care. For the past two decades, I have worked with older adults, people with disabilities, their families, and care workers across Virginia to ensure that all people can live with dignity and respect. 

During the pandemic, parents were able to work as paid caregivers to waiver-eligible minors, which benefited Virginia families and Virginia tax-payers. 

Virginia must reinstate and make permanent these provisions. This proposed amendment, which is consistent with other CMS-approved plans, will make a positive difference for impacted families and for our entire community.

I ask that DMAS:

  • Change the start date from 1/1/25 to 3/1/24, when the Appendix K waiver expired and new regulations were put into effect. 
  • Give further consideration to how Virginia can extend respite services to LRIs in a manner consistent with respite services that can be accessed by consumers using the consumer-directed option.

Thank you.

CommentID: 227654