The compensation level is inadequate to recruit and retain caregivers capable of and willing to care for the special needs people on the waiver. The processes are also so slow that our current non-family caregiver who does the minority of our hours didn’t get consistently paid for months. No one compensated in the amount the waiver compensates can stay and get paid that inconsistently if it’s their full time job. The needs and hours of special needs families also change based on appointments, therapy, medical status. Most paid caregivers cannot be that flexible. Making family members paid caregiver status is essential for the health and welfare of the people on this waiver. We have only been able to find minimally safe caregivers in the summer when teens are home from college. Full adults cannot work for that pay and offer the safe and consistent care this population deserves. I implore you to make this provision for family caregivers permanent so that families who are already strapped with more than anyone should be can plan for their future, make informed career decisions and protect their vulnerable family members.