Hello, I am a mother of 4 young children who unfortunately also suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, and anxiety, among a few other conditions. We live in a world where “all natural “ relief options is often frowned upon, laughed at, or pushed to the side as “big pharma” is shoved down your throat.
My visit to the rheumatologist consisted of all three of these things. I decided then I wouldn’t go back to where I felt so embarrassed that day and would continue with my “all natural” relief, which is Kratom. Kratom helps me be a mother to my children, it’s able to give me just enough pain relief to make it out of bed in the morning and get them to school, to care for my household and make dinner,attend doctors appointments, sports events, and school functions. If you think that banning kratom is the right move then you couldn’t be more wrong. You should be concerned about regulating it and making sure consumers in your state are safe. If you ban it you are doing nothing but creating criminals out of mothers, fathers, teachers and doctors, lawyers, and who knows, maybe your best friend. Im keeping this anonymous in the event that you do make this illegal, to keep my children safe, but my words need heard!
thank you for your time. -A mom of 4