Action | General Review of Regulations Governing Certified Professional Wetland Delineators |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 12/8/2023 |
I DO NOT SUPPORT the proposed changes to the regulations of Certified Professional Wetland Delineators (PWD) by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR). A base level of education should be required to grasp the concepts and correctly identify features in the field under both normal and atypical circumstances. The 32-hour delineation courses are a staple of a wetland delineator’s development. The existing education, training, and supervision/references requirements were put in place as they are essential to ensure high quality delineations with proper application of criteria in determining jurisdictional wetland boundaries. The integrity of this program is highly dependent on the qualifications of individuals that are certified as PWDs.