Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit Regulation [9 VAC 25 ‑ 31]
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8/31/23  5:22 pm
Commenter: Joseph Hudnall

Ridiculous proposal

This is absurd. Commercial fishing vessels (not just Omega) have to use seawater to remove their catch from the water. They then put the seawater back. This is exactly the same way a live well works on a recreational boat. For the record I’m an avid recreational Chesapeake bay fisherman since 1971. Recreational fishing is alive and well on the bay. There are approximately 12 menhaden vessels on the bay. There’s more than 700,000 recreational boats on the bay and tributaries. So who is really responsible for pollution levels on the Bay. How about water cooled engine exhaust? How about feces and urine? What about the millions of waterfront homes that use nitrogen to fertilize their pristine lawns? I could go on and on but the idea that a seawater pump on 12 commercial boats is more dangerous than 700,000 recreational boaters is absurd. The last thing these commercial fishermen want is to jeopardize their very workplace. I understand that rockfish may be in a down cycle however look at all of the species that are now being caught in the bay that were unheard of 20 years ago: mackerel cobia sheepshead drum speckled trout and many more. This proposal is just another attempt to rid omegas 8 vessels from the bay. 40 years ago there was as many a 40 menhaden vessels on the bay. ABSURD!

CommentID: 220038