Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit Regulation [9 VAC 25 ‑ 31]
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8/28/23  3:21 pm
Commenter: Justin Schilling

The most important fish in the sea

Menhaden are an essential, foundational filter feeding fish that clean our near shore waters and serve as a crucial food for inhabitants of these waters. That Omega Protein has been allowed to undercut the menhaden population within the Chesapeake Bay is inexcusable. Not only do our  commercial and recreational sport fish populations suffer for this overfishing, but there is now evidence that it affects Osprey as well. This senseless and damaging over fishing must cease, and I support this petition in the hope that it might accelerate the end of this (over) fishery.

CommentID: 219803