My name is Capt. Cody Rubner. I'm a fishing guide currently operating out of South Florida who grew up in New England and received my degree in marine biology from the University of Maine. I've fished the entire east coast between these bounds and seen the value of menhaden and healthy forage fish populations throughout the range. These populations are crucial to supporting the multi-billion dollar recreational fishing industry and sustaining thousands of businesses related to fishing, guiding and ecotourism. In addition to running my guide business, I also run a marketing consulting business that works directly with some of the largest brands in the fishing industry who sell their products D2C and retail throughout your state. I can reaffirm that these brands recognize that their customers wholeheartedly support the conservation-minded management of our oceans.
I am commenting in support of a pending petition to require depth protection between purse seines and shallow benthic ecosystems. These purse seine nets are not being used as they are intended in water depths less the 60 feet, where non-targeted marine life can't escape and nets are at risk of ripping.
The resource is valuable and dwindling. We should be thoughtful when managing our menhaden population and this gear reform action is a common-sense move that makes sense for all parties. Sometimes things are simpler than they seem. This feels to be one of those cases: fish shallow nets or don't fish shallow.