Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
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8/16/23  10:59 pm
Commenter: Arthur Howe

VA Menhaden Restrictions, gear type use

Dear Marine Resource Commissioners,


I encourage your support of the petition filed by Bill Dunn on 7/6/23. This will have economic

benefit to not just recreational fishermen, but to the thousands of other businesses and job 

impacted by recreation fishing along the Atlantic Coast. As a part-time guide in Massachusetts, my personal livlihood has been severely and negatively impacted

by the poor class years of striped bass over the last decade or two. These fish and a regional, major economy need your help in a critically timely fashion. now.

Thank you for your support and thoughtful consideration. 


Art Howe

Member, American Saltwater Guides Association,

Instructor, the Fly Fishing Show

Guide, Martha's Vineyard, MA


CommentID: 218819