Sadly I've seen dumped by-catch more than once from fishing boats I believe to be Omega. I've also been fishing near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and had Omega put out nets very close to those of us fishing.
I believe most recreational fishermen/women understand the need to properly control fish catch to maintain fish numbers for the future. We also understand that a healthy bay with plentiful bait fish are necessary to have sport fish in the bay. If Omega is dragging the bottom of the bay to catch menhaden this damages the bay for all of us, and leads to increased by-catch.
To limit damage to the bay's bottom and lessen by-catch purse nets should be restricted so as not to drag the bottom. Most east coast states don't allow commercial menhaden fishing in state waters, but Virginia does. As such, the least Virginia can do would be to ensure such fishing isn't allowed to damage the bay and to reduce unnecessary by-catch.