Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
[4 VAC 20 ‑ ]
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8/2/23  10:17 am
Commenter: Paul Eidman, Menhaden Defenders

I agree with the Petition and Kick Omega out of the Ches Bay!

Dear Virginia-

Please regulate Omega's purse seine net depths to prevent continued harm to the Ches. Bay and to allow the seabed to heal, regrow and bycatch to escape.

That said, it's time to adopt the same rule that every other state on the East Coast has already had in place. Push and keep Omega out past the 3-mile state line. Enough already between overfishing in a critical environmentally sensitive area, net spills, killing gamefish, and fish slime slicks they have proven to all loud and clear that they are not the good stewards of the waters that they profess to be.

The Chesapeake Bay needs a chance to heal and menhaden are a vital part of this process. You are taking a blind eye to this issue and screwing your citizens over royally. Small businesses, marinas, vacationers, recreational and commercial fishermen, etc all depend upon a healthy and robust Menhaden population in the bay for success.

Thank you for the oppty to comment.



CommentID: 218294