Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
[4 VAC 20 ‑ ]
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8/1/23  8:22 pm
Commenter: Susie Cambria, resident, blogger at Policy on the #NNK

Agree with petition

Purse seine net depths should be regulated in order not to cause contact with the sea floor within Virginia waters.

It is imperative that the state protect the whole of the environment and the menhaden fishery is in the commonwealth's control. The current status is resulting in fish kills, endangered species  (osprey), and damage to essential submerged aquatic vegetation.

While it is true that Omega Protein plays an important role in the well-being of Northumberland County's well-being, it is equally true that their actions are inflicting massive harm on the Chesapeake Bay, proximate waters, and the creatures who rely on a healthy waterway. This is not a zero-sum game. The state can and should regulate purse seine net depths. It is the responsible action to take. An action residents, voters, and taxpayers like me are urging you to take.

CommentID: 218279