Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/27/23  2:18 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Parents should still be able to be EOR

Parents should be able to be EORs. This has been the case. It is a huge violation of rights to force families to give their children’s medical information, history, and social security number to someone outside of their household. We do not have someone that we trust enough to share this information with who is not a family member within a 50 mile radius. Part of this is due to the fact that we do not get the time to create a social life that allows us to get to know new people and build that level of trust due to the demands of taking care of our medically complex special needs child. Therefore, you are asking parents to give up sensitive information to strangers in an unpaid position. That is not right. When it comes to sharing medical information with others in a business setting, it is required to have a signature of parental approval to do so. It should not be demanded that parents do it just because they are the paid caregiver of their child. Per proposed regulations, the parent has to prove that they are the only option as caregiver to get paid. Therefore, they are not able to go through other options, and should be treated as any other caregiver in the system – whether they are the parent or not.

CommentID: 218159