Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/25/23  10:17 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

parents who are restricted from bring paid caregivers based on barrier offenses from years ago

A parent who has been caring for their special needs child on their own is a legacy responsible adult.

Due to barrier crime laws or restrictions  these parents are NOT being allowed to be paid to provide the care for their minor child.Thease parents may have offenses as old as 30 years ago. If a parent is responsible enough to get their child to doctors ,thearapies,therapies, clothe and love their special  needs child they should also be allowed to be paid as everyone else. If the child is still in their care obviously they are doing what needs to be done and it's not fair that they are excluded from the opertunity of being a paid care giver. Some of these parents are not able to work outside home.Inhome support agencies lack the skills and training desperately needed bit not required  to assist a child with high behavior needs with toilet training ,eating with utinsils,utensils,,teaching how to bathe ,etc .

So the parent who is excluded from being the paid caregiver due to barrier offenses that are minor u might add can not pay out of pocket for the expert help of individuals who can teach these skills by earning money from being the paid care giver. If a parent is legally responsible  adult to have their child in their care ,why is it these group of parents are being overlooked to getting paid like all the other parents?

Either the state needs to have higher expectations  from some of these income support providers and demand  that they are highly trained and being able to assist with daily skills  these parents with barrier offenses who have their children and are caring for them need to get paid .it's not fair that the child go without the help they need that a parent can hire but us being restricted by these stipulations .if consumer direct network is  to allow parents of barrier offenses to be paid they have already denied many and can be sued .this NEEDS to be changed .

CommentID: 218136