Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/23/23  1:08 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Opposed to the Changes

As a parent of a child on the CCCPlus waiver, I am vehemently against these proposed changes. They intrude on our children's privacy and medical information by requiring a non-parent be EOR. That allows another person, who legally has no right to make decisions for our children, access to all their private medical information, access to their social security number, and more. They will end up control no person should have over a child that is not theirs. It opens our children up to having their identies stolen. Additionally, even finding someone to take on this major responsibility would be impossible. It requires a high level of responsibility and doing work for free. We also have to be able to trust this person immensely. That's not a relationship many of us have with someone who is nearby and willing to do this.

The micromanagement of our time, having to document every task done, is a major invasion of our privacy as well. We should not have to justify what we do to best take care of our children. 

There are already so many hoops and hurdles we must go through and red tape to fight to get our children the support and care they need. These changes do nothing but take away parental rights, infringe on privacy, and make our lives even more difficult. There should be no question that a parent is able to provide the best care foe their child and being a paid attendant should be possible without our having to be treated like criminals and jump through hoops that are impossible. We should be able to be paid attendants, with another parent as EOR, without having to prove we have tried to hire someone else (it should be our choice what and who is best for our children), without micromanagement through documentation, without losing respite, and without having to give up hours our child qualified for if it is over 40. 

CommentID: 218113