Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/20/23  8:17 am
Commenter: Sarah Blunkosky, parent care attendant and SEIU 512 Union Member

Protect parent and family members as care attendants

Spouses and parents of minor children should be allowed to work as consumer-directed home care workers, without unnecessary limitations. They should not be limited to 40 hours per week. They should not have to use Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). There should not be limits on who can be an Employer of Record (EOR). Furthermore, they should be eligible for respite care hours.

As I am my daughter’s primary care attendant, my husband as EOR, we also have a wonderful care attendant who we give all our respite and when respite runs out, as many attendant hours as possible.  The challenge is that not everyone can take a full time care attendant position that requires many skills, training, and heart that doesn’t have health insurance or worker’s compensation in case of injury. Parents can and never let their kids down and can have other attendants but in cases of everybody I know, the low pay and lack of basic healthcare prevents retention so our loved ones needing care lose. Some folks can’t even find attendants that will stay. The ones that do eventually lose their attendants to jobs with healthcare and higher pay. Don’t let a few bad apples spoil the system that for many, is keeping their loved ones supported even with the revolving door of attendants going thru. The system also has several case managers in oversight already so claiming otherwise is a clear indication that restricting parents is only an agency grab for agencies to make more profits by limiting parents and guardians.


More restrictions only hurts those requiring care, the loyal parents doing their best, while further profiting agencies.




Sarah Blunkosky 

CommentID: 218081