Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/12/23  7:46 pm
Commenter: Rhonda

Only Living Parent with no Options for EOR

How do single parents (who are the only surviving parent) operate under these proposed EOR restrictions? How do we use EVV when we have no EOR to sign us off at the end of shifts? My aging mother is our only EOR option and she will not always be able. Who will take her place for our family within these restrictions? We have no other options within a 50-mile radius. It is a hard ask of someone as a non-paid position  

Proposal: why can’t parents simply opt to be their child’s consumer-directed attendant without going through an agency? Shouldn’t that be part of basic parental rights? If there is money from the state to be paid to support our disabled children so that they can remain a part of their communities instead of being a burden of the state in an institution, shouldn’t parents be assumed as the authority on who should be the best fit for their children? Shouldn’t parents make that call as default? Why all the “oversight” when we are already accountable to so many providers, teachers, and others in our children’s lives? There have to be accommodations for single parents with little to no support on the EOR front. 

CommentID: 218037