Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/6/23  10:10 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Drawback of having a non-live-in EOR instead of the other parent

A significant drawback of having a non-live-in EOR instead of the other parent is the potential for reduced accessibility and involvement in the child's employment-related affairs. The EOR role entails ongoing communication, coordination, and decision-making regarding the child's employment matters. A non-live-in EOR may not always be readily available or easily accessible to promptly address the child's needs or concerns. This can result in delays in addressing employment-related issues, slower response times, and a potential disconnect between the EOR and the child's experiences in the workplace. In contrast, the other parent, being actively involved in the child's life and often residing with them, provides continuous accessibility and direct involvement in their day-to-day experiences. They can promptly address employment-related concerns, offer guidance, and provide the necessary support to ensure the child's well-being and success in their professional endeavors. This level of accessibility and involvement is invaluable in creating a supportive and nurturing environment for the child's overall development.

CommentID: 217791