Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/4/23  10:02 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

EOR - Protecting Our Child's Social Security Number (SSN)

In our time of terror and desperation, we implore you to consider the gravity of our situation and the profound impact that granting the other parent the role of EOR would have on our child's care, stability, and protection. By allowing us to assume this responsibility collectively, we can provide our children with the care they urgently require while ensuring their safety and the security of their personal information.

Protecting Our Child's Social Security Number (SSN) is not just a matter of privacy; it is a crucial step in ensuring our child's security and safeguarding them from potential risks and harm. Here's why protecting our child's SSN is necessary:

Identity Theft: Our child's SSN is a unique identifier that, if obtained by malicious individuals, can be used to commit identity theft. Identity thieves can exploit this information to open fraudulent accounts, make unauthorized transactions, and cause significant financial and reputational damage. Keeping our child's SSN within the trusted family unit minimizes the risk of compromised identity.

Fraudulent Activities: Allowing an untrustworthy person to become our child's EOR opens the door to potentially fraudulent activities. They may misuse sensitive information, such as our child's SSN, for personal gain or engage in fraudulent schemes that could harm our child's financial stability and overall well-being.

Exploitation and Manipulation: Granting untrustworthy individuals access to sensitive information and the role of EOR exposes our child to the risk of exploitation and manipulation. They could misuse their position to exploit our child's vulnerabilities, exert control over their resources, or engage in abusive behaviors. Protecting our child's SSN is critical in mitigating these risks and ensuring their safety and well-being.

By prioritizing the security of our child's SSN and entrusting the EOR role to trustworthy parents, we minimize the chances of identity theft, fraudulent activities, and exploitation. Maintaining a secure environment for our children and protecting them against potential harm is essential.

We humbly request your compassion and prompt attention to our plea. Our child’s future rests in your hands, and we fervently hope for a positive resolution to alleviate our fears and support our beloved child.

CommentID: 217695