Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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6/29/23  10:37 am
Commenter: Lindsey VandeSand

Urgent Need for Policy Change to Support Families of Disabled Children

I am writing to you today as a concerned parent and advocate for families with disabled children. I would like to draw your attention to a critical issue that affects our community and implores your support in enacting meaningful policy changes.

As you may be aware, families like mine face immense challenges in finding and hiring competent personal care attendants to care for our disabled children who require complex medical care. The current situation is deeply concerning, as we struggle to secure the necessary support at a rate of less than $12 per hour. Meanwhile, fast-food jobs and other unskilled positions often offer higher wages, creating an unfortunate disparity that undermines the well-being of our children who deserve better.

It is crucial to recognize that parents are uniquely positioned to assume the personal care attendant role. We possess an intimate understanding of our children's needs, routines, and medical conditions. By allowing us to provide the care ourselves, we can ensure the highest level of quality and continuity of care, which is of utmost importance for our vulnerable children. This approach not only promotes their well-being but also does not incur any additional costs to the system.

The current requirement mandating an unpaid non-family member as the employee of record is both unnecessary and unduly burdensome for families already grappling with the daily demands of caring for a disabled child. It limits our ability to provide the best care possible and forces us to navigate complex administrative processes while dealing with the emotional and physical challenges that come with raising a child with special needs.

Therefore, I respectfully request that you consider two possible solutions: either simplify the process for parents to assume the role of personal care attendants, or significantly increase the compensation for attendants to a level that attracts competent professionals. By adopting either of these approaches, we can ensure that families have access to the support services their children are entitled to, without compromising their well-being or adding unnecessary stress to their lives.

It is my firm belief that by addressing this issue, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of countless families and their disabled children. I urge you to champion this cause, advocate for our rights, and work towards a policy change that reflects the needs and realities of families in Virginia.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 

CommentID: 217545