Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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6/28/23  6:40 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


So because you couldn’t find a way to not allow parents to not be paid care attendants, you’re going to chop it by forcing us to find EORs so now we CANT be PCAs?! How many military families have no friends in the area that use waivers? Our children’s PRIVATE information is available for EORs to see. One parent can and SHOULD be the EOR while the other is the paid care attendant. This is how we can 1) protect our kids 2) protect their information and 3) you can bet we will all be coming to you demanding pay for the EOR we are forced to hire. So are you going to be paying for their background checks? Because we can’t let just anyone have our kids info. Are you going to pay them for the amount of time it takes to input and approve the information? 
you couldn’t find a way to scrape parents from being paid care attendants the first time, so you came back with this to really make sure you can’t. 

CommentID: 217507