Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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6/28/23  1:49 pm
Commenter: Laura

Limiting hours/non-related EOR

While we appreciate the addition of a provision for legally responsible adults to continue to be paid caregivers under this draft, the limitations placed such as limiting hours to 40 per week and requiring the EOR be a nonrelative who lives within 50miles places an undue burden on already struggling families. If the approval is for more than 40 hours weekly due to the care needs of the individual the limit should be up to the number of hours approved for the individual not a blanket , no more than 40 hours rule.  The new implementation of requiring eor to be a non-related person who also lives within 50miles places an undue burden on families as it requires us to find someone to complete the duties of EOR for free and also allow a non related person access to our child's and attendants social security numbers. We already have multiple regulatory bodies providing oversight, adding more forms, more hoops to jump through will not improve the care delivered to the individuals being served.  It will only make it more difficult for individuals and families to access the services they desperately need.  I recommend changing the hours limit to be the #of hours the individual is approved for based on need and continuing to allow family members to the the EOR.  We are being supervised by our service facilitators and our local csbs through case management already.  This seems like a way to force people into agency directed care which only serves to line the pockets of agencies and decreases quality of care, continuity of care and individual satisfaction. Please reconsider the above requirements.

CommentID: 217491