Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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6/8/23  2:00 pm
Commenter: Jason Young, Community Brain Injury Services

Brain Injury Services Case Manager Staff Qualifications

Page 6 of the proposed TCM services states:

"BIS case managers must either hold at least a bachelor's degree in one of the following fields: social work, psychology, psychiatric rehabilitation, sociology, counseling, vocational rehabilitation, human services, counseling OR be licensed by the Commonwealth as a registered nurse."

The current list of potential degrees is extremely limiting for a provider to be able to find and retain appropriate personnel to provide this service.   There are many human service degrees that current and prospective case managers hold that are not on this list and thus as written would them ineligible to provide targeted case management.

More inclusive language that reflects the wide breadth of human service degrees available from our colleges and universities might be:

"completion of at least a Bachelor's degree in a human services field, including but not limited to social work, psychology, psychiatric rehabilitation, sociology, counseling, vocational rehab, rehabilitation counseling, special education, or human services, 

Changing the requirement to include the bolded words" including but not limited to" would ensure that the breadth of human service degrees is acceptable for being a BIS case manager.

Additionally, I recommend adding years of experience providing case management also be included in the requirements if someone does not have a degree in a human service field.  Our field is full of individual who have embarked on second careers and bring a wealth of relevant experience to the field and simply by not having a bachelor's degree in a human service field that would prohibit them from being a BIS case manager.  I would suggest a minimum of 2 years of case management experience be an acceptable alternative for individuals lacking a Bachelor's human service degree (I do think a person needs to have a Bachelor's degree for this position though).  

Lastly, the brain injury service provider community has been providing brain injury case management for over 20 years in the Commonwealth.   We need to find a way to be able to grandfather existing case managers into TCM who may lack the specific degree requirements listed above.   Adding an specified minimum number of years of professional case management experience would allow these existing case managers many of which have years of specific brain injury case management experience to remain eligible to provide targeted case management.   



CommentID: 217108