Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
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4/4/23  2:54 pm
Commenter: Dan Gilligan

Data Center Diesel emissions

I oppose DEQ's proposed variance to allow data center diesel generators to operate continuously during periods of peak electrical load. 

Diesel particulate matter and NOx emissions have been proven to cause serious health effects. Nearby by residents will be put in harms way. Require the data centers to develop a plan for selective service reductions to address the problem they are causing.

The DEQ's mission is to protect and enhance the environment of Virginia to promote the health and well-being of the Commonweath's citizens.  Permitting unrestrained harmful emissions violates DEQ's primary mission.

It has been reported that Data Centers plan to reduce harmful emissions by using Renewable Diesel rather than Petroleum Diesel. On occasion, the supply of Renewable Diesel may be inadequate. Since it is easy to switch from Renewable Diesel to Petroleum Diesel, what safeguards will be in place to prevent switching?

Also a higher price of Renewable Diesel could encourage switching to Petroleum Diesel.


CommentID: 216471