Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/27/23  4:44 pm
Commenter: Alice Bryant

Family matters

I could not work when the incident happened with my son .He had died and was not revived until 10 minutes which left him not able to walk feed himself or anything it damaged his short term memory loss and still can't walk. He is on alot of seizure medication to function.  I had to quit work to take care of him. My husband was already deceasedwhen this happened.He is a 46 year old which would have not lived long with being in a nursing home. So I chose to take care of him at home around family to visit him. It's sad that they want to pay other people as suppose to paying family to take care of them .We all are doing what everyone else would to to take care af a family member. That's what moms do when we love them.

CommentID: 214136