Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/25/23  9:20 am
Commenter: Rita

Parents as paid caregivers

It is unfathomable that the ability for parents to be paid caregivers for our disabled children is  being considered to be removed. Wages are so low as paid by the state (less than current minimum wage) that it is impossible to find paid caregivers to provide safe, reliable, trained care for our family members, they'd rather work at McDonald's for more pay, better benefits, and less stress. Most often parents and spouses have to quit jobs to provide the care needed due to inability to find care. We, like many others, were in that position! There were no other options! Parents and spouses are the ones who are best equipped to care for our disabled and they care the most about them, it makes the most sense for them to be allowed to provide the care! When parents and spouses cannot work because they have to provide unfunded care, how can a family survive?? We have 6 children and one with disabilities. Having the ability to allow a parent to receive payment for care of our disabled child has allowed us to stay in our home and continue to feed our family. And we are a 2 parent family! I cannot imagine the stress and struggle single parents are enduring and would endure further should this horrible change be made. And now with inflation, how does the Commonwealth expect our families to survive? Further, a requirement to be employed in order to receive pay as a parent is ridiculous as many parents, including us, already hold down multiple jobs just to get by. Additional taxes and employment requirements will not be helpful at all to our families already struggling so hard and implies limits on the number of parents that could even be considered for such a change! Please do not remove this incredibly important ability for so many families, including ours, already struggling in our state. If you were in our shoes, this wouldn't even be a question. I pray that you lawmakers make the right decision. 

CommentID: 213580