It's obvious that those who are trying to make it difficult for those who care for their children and/or spouses have to clue how important it is to that love one to have those who know them and love them best to care for their needs. Like many other parents, we cared for our son who was diagnosed at 8 yrs. old without having a waver, so we didn't get any kind of pay until he was 18 years old. Our sons team of doctors have commended my husband/I on the care our son gets because we know all care is not done with love/sacrifice of self. Some children or love ones give up when they are left in the wrong hands. Our son know that he is loved, respected and protected by us and we know him unlike anyone else besides God. I came off of my job even after graduating from college because my career was secondary to our son's well being. To change the requirements and put force parent's to qualify thru an agency will greatly impact many families because the agencies often times pay what they want instead of the $12.71 hourly. As a profession, HCW are already making below living wages in Central Va. There aren't a lot of people willing to work in this profession with no benefits/poor wages. The pandemic put another barrier in this profession because it was a health risk to our son and many other's who are high risk to have an agency send someone else in your home. Our son needs 24 hour care so to determine that respite hours can't be used is ridiculous. What we do as care givers is an act of love, compassion and sacrifice for those we serve and usually parents are gifted with this. I'm asking you to imagine how you or your family would feel if you where faced with not just caring for your child, but with the threat of having your income removed or reduced based on those who lack compassion for those who have disabilities and the parents who joyfully care for them.