I am writing in regards to the Application for 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Draft:
We are the parents of a child with special needs who is receiving services through the consumer-directed model. The option for one of us to be a paid attendent through this mechanism has been a lifesaver. It has been and continues to be extremely challenging to find qualified individuals at $12.70/h who can attend to the needs of our daughter, who needs assistance toileting, dressing, bathing, and participating in activities. As her parents, we are of course able to provide this care better than anyone else, but it has a major impact on our jobs and on our ability to care for our other children. If the proposed changes are implemented, one of us would have to become an employee of an agency to be paid for this work, a major, unnecessary burden. These are benefits our children are entitled by federal and state law to receive. Don't impose even more administrative hurdles on families who are already struggling.