Please make parents as paid PCAs under the consumer-directed services permanent. It is next to impossible to find adequate care for our family members through agency care. The amount of stress and wasted time trying to find someone who will care for your disabled family member can be avoided if you just allow the disabled family member to be cared for by the family who wants to care for them! Having to find someone, deal with them not showing, arriving late, not handling your disabled child to your standards, especially when your child is unable to communicate what is going on when you're not home, is harmful to the already stressful circumstance of having to care for a child for the rest of their lives. In our situation we not only have a special medical disabled adult child but that child is also very medically complex and we can’t trust just anyone when he can’t always speak and advocate for himself… which is obviously one of the reason we will care for him 100% of the time. As parents, we happily do this, but ask that we be able to do it personally if hiring an outsider is not possible. When you bring a stranger into your home it is a very complex scenario not only for your disable family member but for the other family members as well. Everyone’s safety needs to be considered. These days, no one is willing to work for the going rates and we can't just hire anyone off the street to care for our loved ones. When is it ever a better choice to have a stranger take care of your family member than their own family? This option is safer, healthier, and more beneficial for our children and helps our families financially. Every bit helps. To have a parent become part of an agency who will take a portion of the hourly rate, it just adds more red tape, stress and a waste of money that should be going to the families who are just trying to serve their disabled family member the best they can. Please lift this burden and allow parents to continue to care for their children through the consumer-directed option.