Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/22/23  9:00 am
Commenter: Tesha

Finally Got Help and Now It's Being Taken Away

I raised my 20-year-old daughter on my own without any assistance besides SSI. I recently discovered this existed through a friend. My daughter and I have struggled to make ends meet for years. This resource is not readily available information, to begin with. My daughter has a lot of ailments and does not feel comfortable with strangers. I did it on my own for years without help. Why, to utilize this benefit I need to hire a stranger to come into our home and take care of my child? Do you not understand the pressure parents already experience with taking care of their special needs child? Now you want to add to that stress by inviting a stranger into my home to care for my limited verbal child. We will go without before I allow that. Is that what you want a special needs adult to suffer because their parents want to give their child the best care? Honestly, 12.70 isn't nearly enough to cover anyone's expenses. Still, it does allow us to make ends meet, and it does improve my child's quality of life by allowing her loving parent to care for her without household expenses going unpaid. Please continue to have live-in attendants to special needs adults remain consumer-directed. These benefits help so many people to improve their special needs adult quality of life.

CommentID: 212839