Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/19/23  8:27 am
Commenter: anonymous

Re: Concern Parent/Caregiver

In the past trying to find a qualified caregiver to take care of my sons needs has been quite different. I’ve had several interviews went through the process and what happens the person doesn’t call or show up again. My time with my son is so important and his needs are non stop. Our son has Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Rumination, tube feed dependent, anxiety disorder and more. It’s hard to find some  that can handle and deal with life threatening seizures if you make the wrong move that’s a matter if our son will make it out not. Your average aide can not perform these duties along with all the rest of them I will list and I certainly do not feel safe or comfortable leaving our son in someone else’s care that is not qualified to handle these type of needs. When or son has a seizure he is usually airlifted to his children’s hospital due to needed further interventions. This care is not for your average person and requires a higher level of care or a parent who knows how to handle the situation until paramedics arrive. Our son is a continuous feed through a Jtube and is constantly being monitored for feeding, meds or just simply trying to mess and rip out his tube. Our son can not walk, talk or do anything for himself. His needs are non stop and finding someone to do all of this for the pay is quite difficult. Interviewing and monitoring ads to hire someone will a lot as it did in the past and resulted in no one wanting to work for low pay. It’s in the best interest for my son to have a quality care giver such a parent or family that can handle all his needs and as a parent not worry about his care if it’s properly being managed and cared for. The quality of care will definitely not be the same as no one will ever take care your child as good as yourself and that’s the truth. I’ve seen it multi times and the best caregiver will always be a parent who cares for the well being of there own child. What Virginia had going during Covid has worked and many other states do the same already and feel this would put less pressure on parents and stress if they continue to allow parents to be caregivers. Please consider all the parents voicing out and put yourself in everyone else’s shoes. It’s not easy but anything the state can do to make this much easier would be much appreciated by so many parents across the board. Thank you for allowing us to voice our opinion and please please hear each and one of us out. Sincerely Concerned Parent 

CommentID: 212482