Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Guidance Document Change: Section 4.1-604(31) of the Virginia Code states that the Board of Directors for the Cannabis Control Authority shall have the power and duty to develop and make available on its website guidance documents regarding compliance and safe practices for persons who cultivate marijuana at home for personal use. This draft guidance document addresses the statutory requirements for cultivating cannabis plants in the home and practices to promote personal and public safety.
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1/31/23  7:02 am
Commenter: anonymous Virginia Citizen

Who wrote this garbage?

It is obviously the legislators or admin staff are attempting to be relevant but accomplishing the nanny state mindset and failing miserably. 

If you are the legal owner of a property and are growing cannibas on your property what's the purpose of the name tags? It seems that proposal is foolish and a waste of time. 

The discussion about growing plants, overcrowding and poison control etc are also foolish and unnecessary. The risks associated with cannibas growing are identical to the risks associated with any other crop, why does the state feel they need to discuss this topic?

Since the grower can easily violate state law from one plant regarding total weight of Cannibas that is permissable to possess, exceptions need to be made to keep legal citizens within the bounds of the law. 

What needs to be regulated?

Retail sales of Cannibas should be lab tested to be free of pesticides and other heavy metal or chemicals harmful to the human body. 

Penalties increased for illegal sales.

Regulations and safety issues associated with edibles and packaging. In addition to lab testing the packaging needs to be clearly marked and not similar to candy or childrens treats. 

None of this is magic, just take a look at Colorado or Oregon as a basis and reference for the laws that work AND those that do not. 



CommentID: 208077