Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Guidance Document Change: Section 4.1-604(31) of the Virginia Code states that the Board of Directors for the Cannabis Control Authority shall have the power and duty to develop and make available on its website guidance documents regarding compliance and safe practices for persons who cultivate marijuana at home for personal use. This draft guidance document addresses the statutory requirements for cultivating cannabis plants in the home and practices to promote personal and public safety.
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1/7/23  4:42 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Odor Nuisance Ordinance Should Be Avoided

An odor nuisance complaint should not be a punishable offense or something that home cultivators should have to be concerned with.  Just like how my neighbor can use his/her fireplace to heat their home, and stink up the entire block with the odor of burning wood.  People that grow fresh, legal cannabis flowers should not have to be worried about someone outside their home smelling it.  It's too vague of a thing to try and enforce because not everyone has the same sense of smell.  Some people might have a stronger or weaker sense of smell.  Also, this would open up the doors for someone that wants to lie and make a complaint about a neighbor that they do not like, for whatever reason.  This ordinance should be avoided in my opinion.  It will only make things too complicated and open up too many opportunities for ill intents against those that are law abiding citizens of Virginia.

Also, there should never be a permit required to grow, for personal use, cannabis at your home/residence.  Just like how people that brew their own beer do not require a permit to do so.  It should be for the people and free.

Please take my comments into consideration.

Thank you.

CommentID: 207848