Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/11/22  12:06 am
Commenter: Williams Family

Not worth the risk

I appreciate DMAS wanted to check in on the health and safety of individuals who have a waiver however I feel it is not worth the risk. The providers are seeing the individual virtually and checking in on their well being. There is no difference in a virtual visit and an in person visit other then the provider collecting a signature which I will gladly give them permission to sign on my behalf if it means I am not putting my loved ones at risk. A concern should be the providers being in contact with many people and spreading germs from house to house and that can be fetal to my child. I will not allow anyone in my house and put my loved ones health at risk for a signature. It is also to cold to conduct visits outside. A provider went to a family friend’s house and gave them the flu and the child ended up in the emergency room with a hospital stay. I refuse to let that be the same fate or worse because you want to providers to see every person on Medicaid. My facilitator and Coordinator have almost a 100 clients each. You can imagine how many germs are passed unknowingly between all the households. It is not worth the risk especially during the horrible flu/RSV/COVID season. I want everyone to remain safe and maintain their health. A simple cold for my loved one could be fetal unfortunately and I am not willing to take that risk. 

CommentID: 206565