I strongly oppose adding the COVID-19 vaccine to Virginia's Required Immunization schedule for School Children. These 'vaccines' are neither safe or effective. The death rate from covid-19 is less than the vaccines. And children are at lower risk of dying from covid-19. In addition to death, the covid-19 vaccine has done serious injury to many disabling them. Myocarditis in youth has been particularly problematic from this vaccine. Insurance data statistically is showing alarming increases in deaths and disabilities since the covid-19 vaccine started. And aggressive cancers are on the rise. It's my friends that got the 'jab' that are having the most illness now including shingles, flu, covid, cancer, mini-strokes, etc. I know someone who was perfectly healthy - a young male - and 2 weeks after his jab he died suddenly of a heart attack. We are seeing airlines have pilot shortages because of the forced vaccination disqualifying pilots because of subsequent health issues resulting from the shot. We have seen very fit athletes in massive #'s die suddenly while playing. I am hearing doctors testify of the significant increase in miscarriages since vaccination started. Adding the covid-19 vaccine to the school's immunization schedule makes no sense at all except that it removes liability from the pharmaceutical industry for the massive injury they have caused.