Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Absentee Voting [1 VAC 20 ‑ 70]
Action Material omissions from absentee ballots.
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 10/12/2011
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10/8/11  7:06 am
Commenter: michelle erickson

voter suppression

this is coordinated well funded effort by numerous newly elected republican governor's and/or state legislators many of which were given millions for their campaigns  by 3 main sources in 2010. and were suddenly able to outspend democratic candidates 10 to 1 thanks to citizens vs united.

this is the result of the highly funded efforts to disenfranchise a specific demographic of voters that vote democratic.

this is called voter suppression and is a significant breach in our constitutional right to vote 

there are estimates that these coordinated partisan efforts nationally would result in an estimated 5,000,000 voters losing access to their right to vote, when not even a marginal instance of voter fraud is on the books, the supposed reason for these legislative and gubernatorial challenges to the existing laws in 22 states currently working on voting requirements.

with all of the challenges facing our states and the nation why are voting requirements at the top of all these republicans lists? 

there needs to be a national investigation into these practices and the money that has created the opportunity to highjack democracy in this country. clearly the strict partisan (republican) lines these actions fall on and the clear designation of the demographics they seek to deprive of their constitutional right to vote cannot be seen as anything other than voter suppression targeting young, poor, elderly, disabled, working class and even serving military citizens their constitutional right to vote. meanwhile there are efforts to close down post offices in this country and it would be worth checking the voting demographics of the offices targeted which could also deprive those in rural communities who vote by mail and do not have transportation the right to vote, once again the poor working poor, disabled and elderly.

this 'end run' around our constitutional right to vote is a criminal conspiracy to defraud millions of their access to representation in our government and nothing could be more unconstitutional and un American than that.

michelle erickson

CommentID: 19970