Action | Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/1/2011 |
Virginia should not adopt regulations which force state-licensed agencies to allow homosexual persons to adopt children. This policy would not be in the best interests of the child, would be an infrigement on religious freedom and would force taxpayers to fund something against the moral values of the majority of Virginians. The order of Nature provides for children to be conceived through a mother and a father. Many children conceived by artificial insemination seek to know their fathers, a sad consequence of industrialized reproduction and additional proof that children need both mothers and fathers in their lives. A policy allowing homosexual adoption may also reduce the number of women who choose to place their children for adoption. Most mothers, especially those who choose life for their children, will not want their children raised by two mothers or two fathers instead of both a mother and a father. Nor should any child be raised in a home which sees nothing wrong with homosexual behavior. As a society, we should not adopt public policies, funded by taxpayers, which encourage a lifestyle which sadly leads to AIDS, physical and mental suffering, serious and costly health problems and premature death. Mothers unable to care for their children have always been assured that there are many loving couples willing to adopt. No birthmother should have to be concerned that her child may be placed in a home without both a mother and a father to adequately raise that child. There is a saying that "God always forgives, man sometimes forgives, nature never forgives." Since the homosexual experiment is rather new, we may not fully comprehend the longterm consequences of such policies on our society before it is too late to reverse them. We are already experiencing repercussions from the public acceptance of the homosexual agenda in our educational institutions, our military, our churches, and entertainment industries.. Virginia should just say no to this change in adoption policy.