There is expressed concern on the need to “protect” children from sexually explicit or lewd content, but I do not believe the straight children of conservative Christians are the children at the most risk. With suicide rate of our LGBTQ children alarmingly high, and much higher than their peer groups, where are the Guidance Documents to protect them?
Receiving basic public school sex education may be the only opportunity for our youngsters coming of age and discovering their sexuality to understand what is happening to them, especially our LGBTQ youth who might be scared, at real so, and with no information. Our teenagers will experience hormones no matter how sheltered/protected they are, let’s guide them through that with basic and correct information instead of ignoring basic human nature.
Will we need to start informing parents of the science curriculum for those who want their children taught the earth is flat, as espoused by the church for centuries?
Parents certainly have the right to homeschool, but I want my tax dollars to teach our children science and reality, and protect those who actually are at risk due to a lack of information or understanding of themselves or by those around them.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.